Grayson Hall Blogathon Post by R J Jamison

7 or 8 things I know about Her**

She was born in the east. The sun rose and later that day it set.

She passed only a few short years as a child then grew to a woman, awkward. . .afraid yet resolute.

She walked the earth with millions of others and yet stood out in her own mind and mine.

She read a lot.

She talked loudly.

She lost her virginity somewhere, sometime with someone.

People loved her, Some detested her. Many admire her still.

She could appear beautiful or ugly but never plain.

She might not have gotten what she truly wanted. What was that?

**A debt is owed to author Michael Ondaatje


Blog-a-thon Grayson links:

Collinsport Historical Society Jonathan Frid was the face of Dark Shadows, but Grayson Hall was it’s soul. Even though nobody ever made action figures or board games baed on her characters, Dark Shadows wouldn’t have been the same without her. Plus fan art, vintage newspaper clippings about Hall’s stage career and more throughout the day!

The Performance Art of Grayson Hall: Life On Two Levels Using lines from her Oscar-nominated film Night of the Iguana as thematic bookends, Frank Jay Gruber discusses the differences between Grayson Hall’s film and television performance styles, and why each is distinct and memorable.

The Collins Foundation “If you have to choose between real and interesting, choose interesting.” According to Patrick McCray, Grayson Hall gives us both in Dark Shadows.

Noble accents, inescapable rhythms: thirteen ways of looking at Grayson Hall by S. R. Shutt

Dead Celebrity I will Sorely Miss- Grayson Hall edition Grayson Hall made Dr. Julia THE BADDEST VAMPIRE LOVIN’ FOX THERE WILL EVER BE.

General Grayson links:

Matt Hall (son of Grayson and Sam Hall) blog

Grayson Hall Official biography website

Dark Shadows Blog-Finding Grayson

Chronicling the Life of Grayson